Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Internet selling vs worktop showrooms

Hmm... Granite is durable, Cushdie and great for your Kitchen!

What do you do if you wanna get a worktop for you English country ki-itchen - lol

Sorry just a bit of humour from me!

I know that lots of people shop online.. But granite is such a touchy feely product, can you really get all you are look for in a picture... I suppose there are some people who can, but I would say that I am one of these people who like to see things face-to-face; if you get my drift?

I mean, like how do you understand what effects can be achieved with light and pearlescent stone such as Emerald Pearl, if you haven't actually experienced it for real?

With REAL knowledge, you can achieve the ultimate in kitchen designs, joining stone together, with positioning as a key factor to your design.

Imagine... A minimalistic style kitchen, a window to the left, southwardly facing so that the morning light captures the night stars within your very own breakfast bar - heck I know my explanations are shi** but hey I am sure you get the picture... haha

What I am trying to say is that an internet only shop cant offer you this REAL factor for your shopping experience... I know, I know; you are thinking that there are virtual-reality type sites where you can actual see the worktops in different houses, so you can design your kitchen in a real environment, but I feel that these tools are only effective if they combine with a real worktop showroom and therefore both services compliment each other.

Interestingly enough; I found a site where you can design a 3D kitchen, that you may want to check out for yourself... The site URL is: but just click on the URL and it will take you to the starting page for the designer.

I do think that a granite worktop showroom who doesn't offer this kind of tool, is lacking to that of a company that does. There are always customers who wish to shop online and capturing the audience with a useful tool is handy - Diapol are a company that offer a granite worktop calculating tool... Pretty cool ;) and I have heard that quite a few people have used it.

A better one is with Hart Granite and they have a Hertfordshire-based granite worktops showroom but when I asken them about it, they said that they are in the process of redesigning it and that it would be a few months before it is back online - ok; if it is better than before, then that can't be bad hmmm.. pondering.. pondering some more... yes... hmmmm... Could be good!

So, to summarise; Internet shopping is great for touchy feely products, as long as this can be backed up with the REAL thing once the choices are at that stage... Capiche!

Ciao Baby


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this informative article. I particularly prefer marble and granite worktops.
